Eligibility Equation

Eligibility Equation.

This screen is an equation through which you can determine that there are qualified people who have the right to a specific rule and define them in more than one category.


To add Eligibility Equation:

  1. Enter the Eligibility Equation in Arabic and English.
  2. Select the Joining Date Custom Operator.
  3. Select the Joining Date From.
  4. Select the Age Custom Operator.
  5. Enter the Age From.
  6. Select the Basic Salary Custom Operator.
  7. Enter the Basic Salary From.
  8. Select the Insurance Date Custom Operator.
  9. Enter the Insurance Date From.
  10. Select the gender.
  11. Select the relegion.
  12. Select the position.
  13. Click on the save button to save information.

To view any Eligibility Equation details, you entered

To edit any Eligibility Equation details.


To delete any Eligibility Equation details.

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