Personnel Batches

From batches tab you can select any group of employees to assign a specific rule or order to them

Batch reporting line.

By clicking on the screen of the Personnel located in the main modules.
You can select a group of employees once who have the same manager and report to him directly.

How to batch employees?

  1. Select the reporting type.
  2. Select the start and end date.
  3. Select the employee manager and his code.
  4. Select the company.
  5. Select the allowed location.
  6. Select the company group you want.
  7. Press the save button to save information.

Batch Attendance Rule.

By clicking on the screen of the Personnel located in the main modules.
If you want to apply certain attendance rule for a specific group of employees.

To make batch attendance rule:

  1. Select the time rule.
  2. Select the company.
  3. Select the business unit.
  4. Select the allowed location.
  5. Select the employee group you want.

Batch Employees Custody.

From this tab you can select a group of employees who gives the same custody.
You have two ways to make a batch employee custody (manual batch custody or upload a sheet)

Manual way:

To make batch Employees Custody in manual way:

  1. Select the custody type.
  2. Select the start and end date.
  3. Select the custody expiration date.
  4. Select the company.
  5. Select the employee’s business unit.
  6. Click on the save button to save information.

Upload sheet way.

When you press on the upload sheet button, you need to download a template from this button

, and upload the template from

upload button.

Batch Attendance Machine.

If you have a new attendance machine you can select a group of employees to fingerprint.

To make batch attendance machine:

  1. Select the attendance machine.
  2. Select the chosen company.
  3. Select the allowed location.
  4. Select the employee group you want.

Batch employee transfer.

You can change or transfer a specific thing for a group of employees like position, business unit, cost center and location.

To make batch employee transfer:

  1. Select the thing you want to transfer.
  2. Select the company.
  3. Select the employee business unit.
  4. Select the employee location.
  5. Select the employee group.


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