Loan types + Pay ways + Banks.

From these tabs you can enter any loan that an employee takes and repays it in installments over a specific period and you can add any cash and bank type and any pay way you want and you can enter any bank details you want.

Loan Type.

By clicking on the screen of the payroll located in the main modules.

It is a loan that the employee takes and is paid in installments in a specific period.

To add loan type:

  1. Enter loan name in Arabic and English.
  2. Select Eligibility equation type.
  3. Select the profile.
  4. Select the maximum loan amount available to the company.
  5. Select the maximum loan value.
  6. Select the maximum loan duration.
  7. Specify the start time for the counting of the loan.
  8. Select the loan use after type for employee.
  9. Enter loan user after number.
  10. Select if this loan is active or not.
  11. Click on the save button to save information.

To view any loan details, you entered

To edit any loan details.

To delete any loan details.

Pay Ways.

By clicking on the screen of the payroll located in the main modules.

You can add any cash and bank type and any pay way you want.

  1. Enter pay way name in English and Arabic.
  2. Select if this way bank or not.
  3. Click on the save button to save information.


By clicking on the screen of the payroll located in the main modules.

You can enter any bank details you want.

To create bank:

  1. Enter bank name in Arabic and English.
  2. Enter bank account number.
  3. Click on the save button to save it.
  4. After saving the bank name you will show it’s all branches.

After that you need to enter bank branches.

To add bank branch:

  1. Enter the branch name in arabic and english.
  2. Enter the branch address in Arabic and English.
  3. Click on the save button to save information.

To view any bank details, you entered

To edit any bank details.

To delete any bank details.


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