Company Hierarchy

The company hierarchy is built through 3 screens: business unit. Business type, business group.

Business Units.

From this screen you can enter All business units in your company.

Company Hierarchy

When you press on


button you show some columns to fill them with business unit details.

To add any business unit:

  1. Enter business unit name in Arabic and English.
  2. Select the profile of the business unit.
  3. Select the business unit company.
  4. Select parent business unit.
  5. Select cost center number of the business unit.
  6. Select business unit group.
  7. Select business unit type.
  8. Select location of the business unit.
  9. Enter business unit order number.
  10. Enter minimum manpower.
  11. Enter minimum manpower.
  12. Click on the save button to save information.

To view any business unit, you entered

To edit any information in any business unit.


To delete any business unit.

Business group.

From this screen, if you have a group of branches for your company, you can divide each branch separately into different business units’ groups

add bussines

To add business unit group

  1. Enter business unit group name in Arabic and English.
  2. Select the cost center number of the group.
  3. Click on the save button to save information.

To view any business unit, you entered

To edit any information in any business unit.


To delete any business unit.

Business type.

From this screen, you can add any business type you want.

add business type

To add business unit type:

  1. Enter business unit type name in Arabic and English.
  2. Enter business unit type level.
  3. Click on the save button to save information.

To view any business unit, you entered

To edit any information in any business unit.


To delete any business unit.


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