In these tabs you can add any permission process and you can make permission for a group of employees.
Permission Processes.
By clicking on the screen of the Attendance located in the main modules.
in this tab you filter anything you want and search on it by employee name or code to show all permission process.
If you want to add permission for any employee on the system,
- Enter the employee’s name or his code.
- Choose from date and to date.
- Select the permission type.
- Select the from time and to time.
- Write a reason if you want.
- Click on the save button to save information.
Batch Permission Process.
From this screen, you can make permission for a group of employees.
You have two ways to make Batch Permission for employee (Manual Batch Permission Process
or upload a sheet)
To add batch permission in manual way:
- Select the permission type.
- Select the from and to date.
- Enter the process date.
- Select the form and to time.
- Write any reason if you want.
- Select the company.
- Select the business unit.
- Click on the save button to save information.
Upload sheet way.
When you press on the upload sheet button, you need to download a template from this button
, and upload the template from