Work from home process
Work from home process. From this tab the employee can request that he needed to work from home. To add
Work from home process. From this tab the employee can request that he needed to work from home. To add
Contents1 Upload Attendance Sheet.1.1 To upload attendance sheet: Upload Attendance Sheet. From this tab you can upload the attendance Log
Employee Attendance Schedule. You can choose any employee to schedule any work rule for a specified period and to show
Overnight. If an employee spent a night and finished his work and completed till second day and had missing check-in
Employee Allowed Locations Batch. From this screen, you can make an allowed location batch for a group of employees. To
Employee Locations. It is possible that the employee is allowed to have more than one location, or you can link
Employees Exceptions. From this tab you can add any exception for any employee or group of employees also for company.
Conclusion. By clicking on the screen of the Attendance located in the main modules. After viewing everything related to the